Benzel Jimmerson is a Father first of 3 beautiful children. He also coordinates the Denver Five Points – Family Leadership Training Institute where they train youth and adults to become leaders and advocates for themselves as they meaningfully engage in increasing the civic health for our community. Finally, he is the Principal Owner of Diversity Dynamics Consulting where he is working toward a vision of “One Healthy Generation of Children” by focusing on increasing fathers relationships and opportunities and by building a state-wide communication, collaboration, and information infrastructure.
Title of Workshop: Addressing misconceptions of non-traditional fathers, while there is a fatherless trend in America we are not far from fatherFULL.
This workshop will focus on some different perspectives of fatherhood: Single fathers, married fathers, non-biological fathers, and non-custodial fathers. In all of the cases, love is present while the experiences are much different. We will then explore through an interactive conversation how personal choices, systems, culture, and other forms of environmental effects all play parts in current conditions… And we understand the importance and clear affects on children with and without fathers we see how a FatherFULL society can change everything!
Questions that will be address:
Just how important is it to have a father in a child’s life?
How important it is to have both parents?
How can parents best serve the interest of the child no matter their relationship?