Building a Stronger Marriage without Losing Yourself. The 9 Principles of a Balanced and Happy Relationship.
Why do some couples stay in love for decades, while others hardly make it past their honeymoon?
Couples who make love last don’t necessarily talk more than other couples or share every thought and feeling. They don’t behave the way they did when they were first dating or first married. And you can forget the conventional wisdom that improved communication can solve all marital issues. There is a secret that lifelong couples learn: how to balance “separateness” and “intimacy.” This balance is no easy task, but accomplishing it raises a relationship or marriage to a whole new level of love and success.
New York Times bestselling author Michael Gurian brings twenty-five years of marriage and family counseling to this groundbreaking plan. The Gurian plan will help you forge a healthier relationship, work through built-up pain, and create greater intimacy. You may feel trapped in push-pull emotional cycles and full of anxiety about your partner’s love. You may feel too enmeshed in your marriage or too distant. Here’s how you can nurture freedom and healthy independence within your intimacy.
This practical yet personal guide to love is richly illustrated with stories and case studies and supported by the latest science. Gurian helps couples work through arguments and also delves into the typical differences between male and female brains, which may explain varying needs for intimacy and distance, and the effects these differences have on relationships. And he explains how a fighting couple may actually be working together without realizing it to solve the same problem, and shows what can be done to finally end the power struggle.
You can find a better way to be together and reclaim your true self at the same time. Lessons of Lifelong Intimacy will show you how intimate separateness can be the key to lasting happiness.

MICHAEL GURIAN is a New York Times best-selling author of twenty eight books, including The Wonder of Boys, The Wonder of Girls, and What Could He Be Thinking? He has been featured multiple times in nearly all the major media, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek, Time, The Today Show, Good Morning America, National Public Radio, The 700 Club, and many others.