What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal about What Your Sons Need to Thrive.
“Though I am predominantly a secular writer,” Michael Gurian notes, “I have been asked since the publication of The Wonder of Boys whether I could bring gender science together with biblical wisdom. Building bridges between science and faith has always been very important to me, so I have sought a way to bring the secular, science-based perspective, built on knowledge of evolutionary biology, together with ancient wisdom. When I met Dr. Gregg Jantz, he told me that he has been asked for over a decade by his Christian readers if he could team up with a science-based expert to bring the Bible together with the burgeoning field of gender science. From our two very different perspectives, we have united to create this unique resource for Christian parents. We hope you will find in it a highly practical resource in raising your children, as well as a powerful contemporary bridge between the Christian faith and evolutionary science.”
From the Press Release
In Raising Boys by Design (Waterbrook, September 17, 2013), renowned marriage and family counselor Michael Gurian collaborates with Christian psychologist Gregory Jantz to understand why so many boys are struggling and how Christian and faith-based parents can protect their sons. The authors agree that boys are under a great deal of stress in today’s world, and they have collaborated from their different perspectives (one secular and science-based and one Christian and Bible-based) to build a powerful resource to help Christian parents raise resilient, loving, and wise boys.
Covering the important topics of boys’ lives, including their emotional development, character building, school and home life, maternal and paternal nurturance, gender differences, and rites of passage, the book equips parents to design a boyhood that will help their sons grow into successful men. Parents and educators will gain valuable information about differences in nature, nurture, and culture between boys and girls. The authors also include an insightful chapter on the role of modern technology in a boy’s upbringing and how parents can manage, without completely restricting, its influence on their son’s life.
“If you are raising a son, if you are struggling with your son’s development or his behavior in school, you will find Raising Boys By Design to be a helpful, reassuring book. In a fascinating intertwining of two voices, Gregg Jantz and Michael Gurian, both experienced mental health professionals, draw on biblical wisdom and the science of gender to help parents understand and guide their boys. Their book will be particularly helpful to families who want to raise healthy, Christian boys.”
—Michael Thompson, Ph.D., author of It’s a Boy! and coauthor of Raising Cain

MICHAEL GURIAN is a marriage and family counselor and New York Times best-selling author of twenty eight books, including The Wonder of Boys, The Wonder of Girls, and What Could He Be Thinking? He has been featured multiple times in nearly all the major media, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek, Time, The Today Show, Good Morning America, National Public Radio, The 700 Club, and many others.