Saving Our Sons from Falling Behind in School and Life.
Michael Gurian, author of THE WONDER OF BOYS, and Gurian Institute training director Kathy Stevens, emeritus, have written a revolutionary new book that confronts what many parents and teachers believe to be a “boy’s crisis.” Boys receive up to 70% of the Ds and Fs given all students, they create 90% classroom discipline problems, most high school dropouts are boys, millions of American boys are on Ritalin and other mind-bending control drugs, only 41% of college students are boys, and three out of four learning disabled students are boys.
Gurian and Stevens empower parents and teachers by presenting a whole new way of working with boys based on the success of Gurian Institute programs in schools across the country, and the latest research and application of neuro-biological research on how boys’ brains actually work, how they are different from girls, and how they can learn very well if they’re properly taught.
THE MINDS OF BOYS includes ways for every parent to understand and influence how their own boy is doing in terms of the correct learning environment, how boys are motivated, how to use the arts and athletics to teach boys (whether or not they are sensitive boys, aggressive boys, restless or bored boys), the potential options for separate sex education at crucial periods of a boy’s life, and how to best utilize the essential role of the parent, teacher, and community. This cutting-edge method has begun to change educational culture throughout the US, Canada, England and Australia, with educators in Alabama, British Columbia, Colorado, California, Missouri, Oregon, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida, Washington, New York, and Texas, all reporting excellent results.

MICHAEL GURIAN is a marriage and family counselor and New York Times best-selling author of twenty eight books, including The Wonder of Boys, The Wonder of Girls, and What Could He Be Thinking? He has been featured multiple times in nearly all the major media, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek, Time, The Today Show, Good Morning America, National Public Radio, The 700 Club, and many others.