For a Study Guide about the book click here (pdf file).
For more about the work of Barbara Annis, please see www.baainc.com.
— Theresa Fay-Bustillos, VP, Community & Corporate Citizenship,
Levi Strauss and Co. and Executive Director, Levi Strauss Foundation”
“Finally, a scientific explanation of why men and women behave differently in the workplace, and practical advice for leveraging these differences to improve business performance. LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES makes a sound case for redefining our notions of what it takes to be a successful executive – companies seeking to retain top talent would be wise to pay close attention to this book.”
— Yezdi Pavri, Managing Partner, Deloitte & Touche
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is an exciting new book by gender team Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis. It offers critical insight into the minefield of gender relationships in the workplace, and is a tool I have been missing. Corporate America needs the knowledge this new book gives us. I can’t wait to start implementing the authors’ ideas.”
— Pernille Lopez, President of IKEA North America
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is a marvel. I urge you to read the book—there is a lot at stake, and an opportunity to achieve lasting competitive advantage. From an increasingly robust body of research, we know for sure (as sure as sure can ever be) that diverse teams—diversity on any and all dimensions—outperform homogenous teams. We equally have to know how to maximize the diversity advantage—the reward can be performance leaps, not just modest improvements.”
— Tom Peters, President/CEO, the Tom Peters Company, and author of THE BRAND YOU 50
“This powerful and timely book unlocks gender truths for the workplace.
Every business–man or woman–needs to read this book!”
— Louann Brizendine, M.D., Neuropsychiatrist and Clinical Professor
University of California-San Francisco, and author of The Female Brain
“Much of what we have learned thus far about marketing to and leading men and women is based on observing cultural influences. LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES brings a scientific basis that simply takes everyone’s understanding to a whole new level. The opportunity this understanding brings to be more effective is a competitive advantage both in and outside our company.”
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is research-based and very reader friendly, a Gender Development Kit that can be used by corporations to improve gender dynamics. Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis provide a scientific approach that breaks down traditional barriers and enables management to implement gender based leadership rationally. This is an exciting book!
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is a practical, science-based, and engaging book that will be referred to time and again by our HR department. At the same time, this book is NOT just for the corporate world. It features an astonishing story about the $190 million annual savings in reduced turnover realized (at least in part) by a corporation working to recognize, understand, and take advantage of the brain differences between genders. Imagine the bottom line benefit of this same training for peace negotiators, national leaders of pivotal social movements, philanthropists, academicians, and policy-makers – all seeking to make a difference in our world!”
Harvard Kennedy School’s Women and Public Policy Program
“In LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES, corporate moguls Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis illustrate how brain chemistry influences gender and how gender in turn powerfully affects every aspect of workplace behavior. The authors are at their best when at their most practical, using step-by-step instructions, exercises and simply worded “GenderTools” to teach men and women to understand each other in meetings and on the golf course….Readers with a desire to improve workplace gender relations will do well with this pragmatic and well-intentioned guide.”
of the 2008 by Executive Book Summaries and Soundview.
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is a great book!!! Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis have captured the insights and science that explain so much about our gender differences. Their book is a priceless contribution to the business world, as we learn how best to capitalize on the strengths of both sexes. It offers compelling scientific reasons for bringing us all to the table in equal, unique and shared roles. I thank the authors for making sense out of a topic that others often cloud with political correctness. This book is right on target.”
— Flip Flippen, President of the Flippen Group, and bestselling author of THE FLIP SIDE
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is an important work and Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis are perfect to write it. Filled with practical, accessible information, this is a book that all of us need to read, whether we deal with men and women at work or leading in our communities or families.”
— Daniel Amen, M.D., Neuropsychiatrist, the Amen Clinics,
and bestselling author of SEX ON THE BRAIN
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES is extremely valuable in two ways. Not only can everyone recognize something of themselves in it, but its numerous engaging examples of communication between women and men will help people interpret communication in the workplace more effectively.”
— Sandra F. Witelson, Ph.D., Albert Einstein/Irving Zucker Chair in Neuroscience, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University
“LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES offers powerful insights into the daunting and often complex task of building Gender Intelligence inside an organization. I am sure it will be required reading for any business striving for a competitive advantage”.
— Debbie McGrath, Chief Executive Officer, HR.Com
“Leadership & The Sexes is one of the most comprehensive and powerful books ever written about how to harness the strengths, insights and wisdom of women and men at work. A delightful, energetic, and important read not only for this year – for this decade.”
— Judith E. Glaser, CEO Benchmark Communications, Inc. and author of The DNA of Leadership.
Press Release for the book (This is a Microsoft Word Document)
Amazon’s webpage for the book.
Michael Gurian is one of North America’s most dynamic speakers. His presentations are interactive, humorous, insightful and practical. If you would like to bring Michael to your corporation or firm, click here and provide your contact and other information.
The Gurian Institute Corporate Division also provides certified speakers and trainers in specific content areas, including Leadership, Management, Sales, and Marketing. All are dynamic speakers and bring their own personal and powerful commitments to GenderLeadership training. Joining Michael, these specialists can help you build extended pilot or training programs. Click here to let us know how we might help you.